HTML Stylesheets Section


Stylesheets allow web page authors to reassign the functions of many HTML tags, allowing them to customize their pages beyond the standards of the HTML language. Unfortunately, they are somewhat less than 'user friendly' or 'easy to use,' often causing more trouble for the author than they appear to be worth. This section is devoted to applications that simplify or automate the use and programming of stylesheets, bringing that next level of customization safely to our fingertips.

Stylemaker Download Now!

  • Version Number: 1.3
  • Revision Date: December 14, 1997
  • File Name:
  • Byte Size: 2,458,105
  • License: Shareware
  • HomePage:
  • NT Compatible: Yes
  • Description: A visual design tool for creating Style Sheets (CSS1) which allow you to control the presentation of your HTML documents, without the limitations of HTML.
    4.5 Cows

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